Thursday, June 30, 2011

Heart's Desire...

It was the happiest day of Diya’s life. Arjun proposed her and she readily accepted. She had been waiting for this day for so long. Arjun loved her more than his life and Diya felt the same. They enjoyed their time together, they knew each other, and they understood each other. Being with Arjun, gave Diya an assurance, a security, a trust she never felt before and Arjun found a new meaning of his life with Diya. She was his angel, his guide and his mentor too.

Tomorrow is her marriage and she still can’t keep Arjun out of her mind. Yes, she is not getting married to the only person she ever loved. Why??? The same old Indian story: CASTE. She is a Brahman and Arjun Punjabi.

They tried hard to convince their parents, gave them all possible explanations but they were just not ready. Diya’s parents knew that Arjun is a good guy, in good job, earning well but the problem is “he is not of our caste”.

I am not trying to tell a story here. It’s a situation which every one of you must have seen in your life and some must have gone through it. In some cases parents agree and in some cases children blackmail them but there is a group of people who just follow their parents wish. Either they think highly of their parents and don’t want to hurt them or they just lack the courage to fight.

Whatever be the case: I sometimes wonder WHY? Why parents oppose inter-caste marriage. Why don’t they just grow up and judge a person by his/her character and not caste. Why can’t they understand that happiness lies in love and not in caste? Why they don’t start accepting each other beliefs and customs? Why?

It’s right on their part to worry about their child but it’s wrong to force them to marry someone else. Marriage is a lifelong bond between two souls. If two people understand each other, if they love each other and can live together then why can’t they marry? Just because, they are of different caste? What a crap?

I think it’s time we should take stand and think about this. Marriages can bind India. In my view, inter-caste marriages will help people of different castes to come together and understand each other. They will learn to respect each other. It shouldn’t be a taboo but it should be a part of our life.

It is said that “you can’t change others but you can change yourself”. So it’s time that we expand our mentality and break this shackle of caste, so that our children could live a life free from this CASTE. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Life - Part 1

Hi to all the people who by luck (either good or bad) happen to visit my blog...

This is my first blog entry. I love writing but don't have enough experience. So let's try out....(on you)

I happen to be a software engineer. I won't say I don't enjoy this field but there is some pros and cons.. Basically the only pros in my case is I like my work (if I get any). So I am one of the very few who like their job. The cons are you just can't decide what you want. If you don't get any work then you are sad and frustrated  and irritated blah blah blah... Ironically if you have work then also you are all of the above. So it's a tough decision :)

Besides that, in IT world you learn a lot of things.. You learn to be manipulative, diplomatic, selfish, adulating, commenting... Oops that are all negative traits (I realized just now). But then also you get to learn a lot about life, about people. And that brings me to PEOPLE..

I daily met a variety of people. Some are my seniors and some colleagues (I dont have juniors yet :)). I like them all (No, I am not lying) but it's great fun observing them. All are so different, from different places, different habits, different likes and dislikes and in a nutshell it's fun to interact with them and hard to cope up with them (but I am doing good). I will try to include some interesting facts about them in my subsequent blogs. :)

I belong to North India and for the past 9 months I am living in  South India. Forget about the different countries, even India feels so different in South. Not that I don't like being here: I love visiting different places but even after so many months, it doesn't seem to be a part of India :)... Some things are common like natural beauty (esp of Mysore), traffic, heat (climatic condition) etc but rest like culture, food, LANGUAGE :( , so different. But again I like my life here :) (My lines reminds me of a famous speech by Mark Antony in Julius  Caesar)

The best part of this life is to earn and live your life with your money. I especially enjoy sending presents to my family, it's a great feeling when you realize that now it's your turn to do something for them. For the people who toiled their whole life for you. To cook, to do the laundry, to purchase stuff from market, to maintain your flat, all by yourself.. Things that I even can't imagine to do a year before. Ya, it's a bit boring and monotonous but sometime I just can't believe how my mom managed it and is managing for so many years..

Hmmm, I think it's time to stop writing.. (Have to go to office tomorrow). Hope you enjoyed a little part of my life.. See you all soon.. Until then keep reading..